Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Wow! A month?

Its been a whole month since I've blogged? Geez! Well, Alexa has been in school. I cant believe the things she is learning. It's just amazing. She also picks up on every little thing we say, then uses it against us. I was feeding Dylan last night and he started to throw a fit and here comes little Miss Alexa saying "Dylan! Chill!" LOL. Friday is her last day until the new year. Tomorrow is her Christmas party. I picked the easy thing on the list.....popcorn...lol. So her Christmas party is tomorrow, and guess what else? CHRIS' 29th BIRTHDAY! Happy Early Birthday old man! LOL. Chris is loving his job. They just moved into a new building this week, and it's across the street from the mall, so he has all kinda of lunch options now. He got his bike fixed and he's riding it to work (probably 2 miles). It's freezing here!! (Literally.....the temperature doesnt get above 30!!) He's a trooper though. He's committed to riding that bike for exercise, so I'm not going to interfere. Dylan is gettng a TON of teeth in right now, and he's being an angel....well...normally. He's kinda being a bear today, but I just put him down for a nap. When he opens his mouth all you can see are spikes of teeth. I think he has about 8 coming in. If he's miserabe, he's really not acting like it. Me, on the other hand, I'm freezing to death. My body has never felt temperatures this cold before!!! I am so damn cold!! At least it's not raining though (actually, that would be snowing....I dont know how to drive in the snow..lol). It's been nice and sunny for about a week now and I am LOVING it. Hopefully it'll stay sunny for chris' birthday party saturday! We are grilling hamburgers!! Woo hoo!! I am REALLY excited about this because I have been wanting a hamburger for a long time now! We are having a few people over to celebrate. Fun stuff. We are still getting moved into the house. We're trying to make all of our stuff fit..lol. We've been making weekly trips to IKEA to make this possible. Now every weekend Alexa says she wants to go to IKEA.

I think she just wants the ice cream though..lol. We pulled out and charged the Hummer so they could ride around, and we got a cool picture of them in the forest across the street..

She loves going to the forest, and we try to let her run around as much as possible. There's a lake with ducks and the trees just look really cool!

While she was in the car with Dylan, she said they were going to the grocery store and they'd be right back. Then she drove off into the mud and got stuck....she needed some daddy rescue. She's still not a great driver, but she's ALOT better than most of the student drivers I see driving around. I have never in my life seen so many student drivers in one city before! Some of them are just AWFUL drivers! It's so irritating getting stuck behind one because the roads are not bing enough to pass them (plus they are usually bordered by tram tracks). It's ridiculous! While I'm on the topic of things that are ridiculous, here's my list I've compiled in the last month of things I find irritating here:

  • The toilets are too tall, so I have to put Alexa on the potty everytime she has to go. We've tried stools, and a steph ladder has worked, but GEEZ! There HAS to be a way this poor girl can go to the potty on her own.
  • Chris has a complaint of his own too..Why do we have 9 ft of countertop, a 13inch sink, and no disposal? This is a daily complaint . I totally agree though. It's pretty stupid.
  • There is hardly any parking at Alexa's school. How are we supposed to drop the kids off if we cant park to do so!?
  • I'm having a hard time trying to find ingredients, so I've had to tweak so many things. Cant find cornmeal, grits, chex cereal, or really much other than cheerios and cornflakes, oh and granola. Dont have fruit snacks, dont have sweet potatoes, dont have velveeta, refried beans, rotel, many crackers....besides melba toast.., and brown sugar. (Attention Walmart...please make your way to Europe as soon as possible WITH American brands. Thanks :) ).

I know I have more, but I have to go pick Alexa up from school. Woo freaking hoo. I need a nap in my warm cozy bed.