Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Life is good

Life is good...

Too bad the weather here SUCKS. It has been raining all morning. I had to take Alexa to school, and of course she decided to stomp through every large puddle on the walk to her classroom. Oh well. She'll have to deal with the wet socks and shoes. Her rainboots were like 15 ft away in her classroom, but nope. Tennis shoes and socks for puddle jumping sounded like a good idea to her this morning. I dunno what the deal is with the GPS, but it takes me right through the middle of Downtown Hague at freaking 830am. Someone needs to pass the GPS some coffee and tell her to wake up and stop taking me through the highest traffic area she can find. It's raining....again. It has been raining....since....hell everyday since I can remember. It's supposed to rain as far as the radar is predicting. I'm not talking 30%. I'm talking 60% chance of rain. In TX, 30% means it's gonna rain 30% of the day (LOL...I made that up.....seems to hold true though). Here, 60% chance of rain means you might as well just stay inside because you aint getting nothin done today (gotta throw in that slang...I'm missing I'll probably never be able to spreken Dutch. My accent is too thick. Even the Australian guy was laughing at me. That's sad. Everyone is telling Chris he doesnt have an accent. They can tell he's from "The States" but they arent sure where. Then they hear me. HAHA. Good ol Texas. How I miss thee :oP. (And your velveeta, rotel, and Mexican food.)


  1. So is anyone sending you velveeta and Rotel? You'll get used to it all, eventually... probably just in time to move back to Texas.

  2. Nope. No velveeta and Rotel. It's pretty expensive to send things here....$42 for a flat rate box. Then I have to pay VAT on top of that. Totally not worth it! I'll just mail my clothes down for Christmas and pack suitcases with Velveeta and things to mail back :)
